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Health Benefits of Rice Bran Oil

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Rice bran oil is one of the healthiest choices available in cooking oils. It has an ideal balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats making it ideal for a healthy heart. Rice bran oil offers numerous health benefits, It has been found to be useful for skin. The Vitamin E present in rice bran oil helps keep your skin soft, supple, and wrinkle-free.

Vitamin E present in rice bran also boosts your immunity and help your body to fight against infection and other common diseases. Rice bran oil helps keep your weight under check and if your going for a weight management plan, then you can include rice bran oil in your diet plan. Rice bran oil also calms allergic reactions in the body.

What is Rice Bran Oil?

Rice bran oil is extracted from the hard outer brown layer of rice after chaff or rice husk. It is well known for its high smoke point of 232 °C i.e. 450 °F and mild flavor, making it fit for high-temperature cooking methods such as stir-frying and deep-frying. In the category of cooking oils, rice bran oil is perhaps the healthiest choice for a number of reasons.

One, it has an ideal balance of polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) and monounsaturated fats (MUFA). Rice Bran Oil has 37 percent polyunsaturated fats and 45 percent monounsaturated fats, almost a 1:1 ratio. Since rice bran oil is made from bran it is rich in Vitamin E, an antioxidant. In comparison to other cooking oils, it is cheap and can be produced in India. Its scientific name is “Oryza Sativa.”It is popular cooking oil in Asian countries, especially Bangladesh, Japan, India and China.

As a byproduct of rice milling, rice bran is usually used as animal feed or discarded as waste. Yet, it has recently gained attention for its potential health benefits as an oil.

Here are 9 impressive benefits of rice bran oil.

  1. Contains beneficial nutrients
  2. May support healthy blood sugar levels
  3. May promote heart health
  4. Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
  5. May have anticancer effects
  6. May fight bad breath
  7. May enhance immune health
  8. May boost skin health
  9. Easy to add to your diet

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